
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Shiny White Shoes and Clean Black Socks
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Episode 233:
Austin Rothbard of peer-to-peer motorcycle rental outfit, Twisted Road, comes back to catch up with us and let us know how things are going with TR and the improvements they've made as a company. Chuck shares how he did not immediately crash the bike he rented while out in Long Beach. Definitely check out the blog section of the website for cool guides and articles written by the company and community members and not just journal entries about Austin's impressive and quite comprehensive collection of tea cozies. (there's a secret link on the blog page to that, but you'll have to email them for how to access it!)
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Monday May 11, 2020
Turns Out She's A Dick
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Episode 232:
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Jon Loves Naaawwwsss
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Episode 231:
- Ricor Shocks
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Todd's A Delicate Flower Livecast
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Episode 229:
- Helite Moto
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Fuelling It
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Episode 228:
- Helite Moto
- Progressive International Motorcycle Shows
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Friday Jan 10, 2020
Grommity Grom Grom
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Episode 227:
- Helite Moto
- Progressive International Motorcycle Shows
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Totes Yeet Yo
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Episode 226:
- Helite Moto
- Progressive International Motorcycle Shows
- https://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Episode 225:
- Ghost Biker YouTube
- Helite Moto
- Progressive International Motorcycle Shows
- https://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Friday Sep 20, 2019
Live Ramblecast
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Episode 223:
- Helite Moto
- Progressive International Motorcycle Shows
- https://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Ghost Hunting Ride
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Episode 223:
- https://greenville.craigslist.org/pts/d/due-west-slingshot-motorcycle-bike-trike/6961413223.html
- https://lexington.craigslist.org/mcy/d/manchester-custom-trike-with-v6-auto/6947692455.html
- Ghost Biker YouTube
- Helite Moto
- Progressive International Motorcycle Shows
- https://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/
- Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection Checklist
- Joe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).
- RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.